Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I have neglected my bastard child (this blog, not the other one) for far too long.

I find myself angry lately.

Is this some sort of midpoint of law school general malaise?

Is this some type of seasonal affective disorder?

Is this rampant fahrfenfluffer envy?

Or, is it simply a matter of bunched and twisted panties?

Let's analyze each.

1. I have come to the realization that I am NOT one of those people who will one day look fondly back on my days in law school. My oh-so-brief taste of the real world of law made me excited to practice. The prosecutors I worked with told me that I "had what it takes to be a good prosecutor". This, in my humble book, is a big thumbs up. Gradewise: I am currently ranked just above pocket lint, and slightly below jello. For those of you keeping score: Real World = Yay, BLS = there MUST have been a glitch in the system when we let this kid slip in.

2. I hate the fakeness of this season worse than any other. And why does Christmas start before Halloween now?

3. I do have the fahrenvy. But, truth be told, who doesn't? HE'S GETTING PAROLED!!! (graduation, same diff.)

4. Yes, I do have panty issues. No, I will not discuss them on this forum.

It seems my anger, much like this nation, is a melting pot. Except it's not a melting pot of people.

I bet a melting pot of people would smell bad.