Monday, February 26, 2007

'ello lads and lassies.

I've decided to revive this lovely blog that no one ever reads.

I've got that kind of ego.

Tonight is the law buddy social. Nothing cements the bond between a bitter burnt out law student and his(or her) frightened, overworked, undersexed newby law buddy like copious amounts of alcohol and a piano player. That's how I got pregnant the first time.


make your own outlines. or die the slow painful death of the unhireable.
drink when you can, study when you can, find comfort in the arms of who you can. Try not to mix more than two of the three together at any one time. Use your judgment. Don't rely on someone elses. They could be smarter than you. Chances are, they aren't. MEET KAT in the employment office. tell her that Dan sent ya.


stop with the PC dread. It's gonna happen, you will survive, quit freaking whining about it. You aren't special. WE ALL HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE SAME THING. Suck it up.
That said, realize that the non-PC quarters are when you should be cutting loose a bit. So, have some freaking fun. No one regrets not studying enough on their death bed.


you people are in two groups. Those that are amazing, fun, smart human beings that I love to be around, and those that get all their jollies from looking down on those of us who make lower grades than you. To the former: can't wait to hang with ya. To the latter, can't wait to kick your socially retarded asses in court. A jury can smell arrogant asshole from a mile away. Good luck with that.

See you all around.


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